Tuesday 20 December 2005

King Kong

Alright guys. Please don't be influenced by the reports that King Kong isn't meeting it's expectations in the box office. If you are going to be influenced by anybody, let it be me. After all, I am the the one who owns "The Only Opinion That Counts". I'm telling you, this is a good movie and it's worth every cent you have to spend in the theatre. Don't pay attention to the fact that I didn't pay a cent to see this movie(I had free passes).

To be honest, I can't really remember the original King Kong movie. I think I only watched it once, and that one time was when I was very young. However, I rode the Kong ride at Universal Studios, thus I am a King Kong expert.You have to believe me when I say that this is just a great movie. I know I'm not stating original facts, but this movie has a lot of layers to it. You have Jack Black's character, the greedy, power seeking director, who teaches you that you shouldn't put the value of money and fame over the value of human life. And you have King Kong and Anne who show that animals can really have feelings. It sounds really corny to say that, but when you watch this movie, I guarantee you'll be rooting for King Kong to kill the humans who are trying to kill him. I felt bad for Kong. He had no family. It was just him, and he was lonely. All he wanted was for Anne to keep him company. When you see him finally die, you'll be saying to yourself, "aw man".

So what is my message to you? This movie is great. It has nonstop action and one of the best story lines of all time. I'm not sure of the exact year the original King Kong came out, but the story is just as good now as it was then, and the moral of the story still holds true today. Do yourself a favor and get to the theatre to see this one. This is a movie that was made for the theatre. I give it my highest rating.

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